Friday, June 3, 2011

Moose Watch: Day 2

Wow. These past few days have been such a whirlwind. This trip has been absolutely incredible so far. It never gets old to walk out of our bunkhouse in the morning and be standing right in front of the Grand Tetons. It's awe-inspiring for sure.

So, we went on a hike yesterday afternoon, and it was supposed to be a really easy hike with no snow. Well, apparently Wyoming has had a really snowy winter, so there were parts of the path that were covered in 3-4 FEET of snow. In July. It was funny to see all of the southern students play in it like little kids.

Let me side track for just a second. I don't think I mentioned that I am one of 4 students here not from the South. And I am the ONLY girl out of 18 not from the South. I've already picked up the accent. I catch myself almost saying y'all at least 5 times a day. It's gonna happen here soon.

So, back to the hike. The altitude makes it pretty tough to catch your breath at first, so we were all huffing and puffing our way up the path. Then, all of a sudden, we couldn't find the path. We were trudging through snow and over logs and all over the place. As I was stepping off of a log on what looked like a solid pack of snow, my leg fell through and went about 4 feet down under the log. My ankle got caught on the way down and I twisted it up pretty bad. Luckily, we didn't have to call the park rangers as I was able to hobble on it for the rest of the hike. It's still pretty sore, but luckily it's getting much better. We hiked in Grand Teton National Park which is about a 5 minute drive from our camp. Here are some pictures from our hike:

Yesterday evening, we started working with our small groups by giving our life stories. Hearing each girl's story was incredible and such a bonding experience. We noticed a few patterns in our stories. One major pattern was that until some point, usually in college, we didn't know that it was possible to have a real relationship with Christ. We hadn't seen people living it out before, and it made me think about how many college students or people in general just don't know what it looks like.

In our large group meetings we went over how to use the KGP (Knowing God Personally) book to share the Gospel. We also have been learning how to use the inductive Bible study method which has been incredible. Just reading the book of Hebrews has taken me over an hour and I'm not yet finished. There is just so much to look for in the text before you even begin to study it in depth.

Today we had a lot of unstructured time, so we drove into town and bought some roller blades for a staff guy's birthday at a thrift store. He was so appreciative even though we tried to tell him that they were only $7 and didn't even have laces!

I'll end on this note: No moose sightings yet, but there is hope! Saw a moose track on our hike:)

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