Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Moose Watch: Day 1

It's official! I'm currently writing from my bunkhouse in Jackson Hole, WY! Yesterday was a loooooonnnngggg day of travelling. Got up at 4am eastern time to catch a plane at 7 to Denver. At Denver, I met up with a few really sweet girls who were also flying in to project. Then, we flew to Jackson Hole and got here around 1pm mountain time. Let me tell you that flying into Jackson Hole Airport was probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. The mountains are completely snow covered and HUGE. I don't think I've ever seen anything so big.

We got to our lodge a little after and set up all of our stuff. After that, one of the leaders of our project asked us all if we'd like to take a walk. We walked 5 miles, which is usually no big deal at all for me, but with a combination of the early morning and the high altitude, I was exhausted when we got back. The high altitude kind of makes it feel like you can't get a deep breath, and it's something I guess we're all going to have to get used to.

We had a little free time to take a short snooze before dinner, and a lot of us took advantage of that. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs and we all devoured it like we'd never eaten before. After that, we had a meeting where we kind of got an outline for the week. The disclaimer is that everything depends on the weather. It is so crazy up here that it will be sunny and 60 one day and 32 snowing the same afternoon. So, if we have a talk scheduled and it gets sunny all of a sudden, we will go outside and take advantage of it!

Today, we are going to have a few talks after breakfast and then go on a hike. I can't wait to take some amazing pictures on this trip. I've already gotten a few! I've been told that I will definitely see a moose on this trip, but I didn't see any on the trip in. Saw some buffalo, but no moose. So, today is officially moose watch: day 1!

I'll try to keep you all updated on how everything is going, so check back if you can! P.S. this is my front yard for three weeks!

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